photograph of a woman at the start line of a running race with a baby in a running buggy. She is wearing a race number

The Joyful Journey of Buggy Running

Running with a running buggy can be a great way to stay fit and healthy, while also spending quality time with your young family. It’s a great way to get outdoors in the fresh air and enjoy some scenery while you get a workout. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of running with a running buggy, the challenges you may face, and some tips to help you get started. We’ll also include some advice on what type of running buggy to choose and how to look after it. With this information, you’ll be ready to hit the roads and trails with your little one in no time!

I started running with my baby when she was 8 months. It's advised that babies are at least 6 months old with good head control before you start running with them. I've run on my own or as part of a running club for a few years, however as all parents know, time is scarce and I wanted to fit in my runs whilst I was at home with my baby. I'm a parkrun regular, and our local parkrun is flat and friendly, with lots of other buggy's - so this was an obvious first choice for our first outing! I initially started out with my regular, everyday pushchair, which at the time was a Mamas and Papas Ocarro. We chose this as it's a sturdy travel system, and whilst it was great for our regular walks, it was obvious that it wasn't great for running with! I made the tough decision to sell the Ocarro and treat myself to a running buggy.

Within a few Google searches, I quickly discovered that choosing the right buggy was going to be tricky. I found that whilst some reasonably priced 3 wheeled pushchairs have 'runner' or 'jogger' in their name, they are not at all suitable for either running or jogging with. I joined some Facebook groups for buggy runners, which proved to be an invaluable source of information and a great community, with lots of very experienced buggy-runners. The advice I was given was that for safety, a buggy should have:

  • Suspension 
  • A handbrake 
  • A wrist strap 
  • A fixed front wheel

I explained to the community that I needed a sturdy, but reasonably priced buggy - I was newly self employed and had just bought my new house, so I had to be frugal. Having sold my Ocarro, this needed to be my main buggy (I did end up buying a cheap second hand pushchair, as trying to manoeuvre around shops became increasingly difficult with my runner). There were recommendations for the Thule Glide 2, maybe try and get hold of a BOB second hand, and whilst these looked like sturdy and stylish options, were very much out of my budget. The resounding opinion was, however, that I should treat myself to an Out and About Nipper Sport. This sturdy little machine was thankfully within my budget and ticked all the safety boxes. 

Buggy running has hugely improved my fitness. Pushing 20kg of baby and buggy up a hill does wonders for your stamina! I've also been able to get out running when I otherwise wouldn't have been able to. It's hugely improved my life, and I hope it does the same for you, too! 

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